Dan Harden Featured on the Innovating Podcast With Scott Amyx

May 16, 2024

Whipsaw’s Dan Harden recently joined the Innovating Podcast with Scott Amyx. Their discussion covered a number of topics including the foundation of Whipsaw and the team’s dedication to the craft of design, creating positive experiences expanding to the high expectations of AI technology, the future of robotics and evolution of the role of designers since the beginning of time. 

Designers have become architects of experience. Beyond helping to craft the right solutions for people through technology it is important to offer the value of goodness, to keep it real, to keep it authentic. While advanced technology such as AI and robotics exist for user benefit authenticity and the human factor still hold tremendous value. 

“We have to also be psychologists, if you are designing ways of thinking and feeling through AI through software and you’re striving to create something of value to us mere humans then the designer has to bring forth that intrinsic empathy and sensitivity that they have to life itself.” 
Dan Harden, Principal Designer & CEO

Listen to the full interview here.

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