Inside Whipsaw: A Night of Design Discovery for Creatives and Innovators

June 14, 2024

The annual San Francisco Design Week is a wide blend of events hosted by a mix of well-regarded (or sometimes renegade) design firms and product companies. But there is no party like a Whipsaw party because a Whipsaw party...well, you know.

Earlier this week, a few hundred people convened for Whipsaw's Open Studio for our second season in Potrero Hill. Whipsaw adds our 25 years of design history to the showcases that line the studio walls and the medallions that highlight our hundreds of design awards.

Walking into Whipsaw's Open Studio, you're immediately struck by the vibe - welcoming, fun, a place where people with dreams have always been welcome. Designers are curators at heart, and arbiters of experiences; our team designed each aspect of the studio experience to delight our guests. Take it from one of our pre-seed founders, "It's been a dream to work with Whipsaw, and seeing the network that shows up for events like..." he trailed off, gesturing to the hundreds of designers, founders, and funders mingling around us.

We often compare the Whipsaw studio to a clubhouse. It's designed to be a refuge for designers, where they can collaborate freely and where they have space and time to focus on the deep work of innovation. Dan Harden, Whipsaw's CEO, ensures that there are plenty of well-thought-out nooks with iconic chairs where the team can huddle for impromptu "hootenannies" (our term for jam sessions focused on disrupting creative blocks to bring the best ideas).

We love to host guests and clients, who tell us that they'd like to claim a desk for more than the meeting. Most of all, we know that the Studio acts as a hub for some of the most creative people in industrial design and the most ambitious clients…along with dozens of design students and “Dan stans.”

We know that design studios can have an outsized impact on the quality of products that are brought to the market. "80% of decisions that affect product sustainability are made during the design phase." For every person who walked through our door for the Open Studio, we hope that you left with a great experience, a new contact, and a sense of possibility. Our work, and yours, has an impact on the future ahead of us and we hope our paths cross again soon.

From Whipsaw to you, you're welcome to join us again, either at a future event or a private studio tour. To get in touch, reach out to: On behalf of our team, thank you to those who attended and who made our event possible. And whether you're a new fan of Whipsaw or a long-time partner we'd love to hear from you. 

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